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Back to Video Index page Chris Clinics Garderen october 2018 organized by Jody

On october 8, 2018 there were clinics by Chris Irwin at the Dutch village of Garderen.
It was on a bright sunny day when enthusiastic horsepeople combined learning with meeting new and old, alike spirited, friends. Lots of thanks to Jody who organized this Chris Irwin Clinics day and also much thanks and appreciation to all volunteers like the mother of Jody and Renée and Louise Oostdijk who were one of the first to arrive and last to leave this great day. Of course also lots of thanks to Sophie and to Chris for his wise lessons and always friendly positive and accessible personality.

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example: https://youtu.be/9dD0vcFTfJY            

Contact Jody for your lesson code(s).
Impression of the 2017 clinics

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